An introduction to ME

Who am I?
Well, this is something I myself have been struggling to find an answer to.
Being a woman, and Indian at that one, my roles keep changing and multiplying. I don't live only for myself, but for the others around me - my parents, my sister, my husband, my in laws, and now my 10-month old daughter. (I love her loads, of course! :))
Becoming a mother is a life changing phase. Your life completely revolves around your baby and nothing else. It transforms your life and brings about a lot of questions in the mother's mind - will I ever be able to live my life again? Am I right in even thinking this way? Will I ever be free again?

Questions, questions and more questions. And no answers, or speculative, indefinite answers. Doesn't help, does it?
I have started this blog with an intension to get answers for myself - and for few others maybe - to find out where I am headed and where life takes me. You are welcome to join me in my day to day endeavours. Cheers!


1 comment:

  1. nikki, other than the people you have listed i think you also live for your friends.

    As an husband to a new mom, i feel most of the women feel this way at this juncture.


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