Past Life Regression and some confessions

I went for a past life regression session. Yes!

Now if you're jumping in excitement thinking I am going to reveal some miraculous incidents of my past lives, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Not because I am hiding something from you, but because there really is nothing interesting to share. After gaining some amount of insights into how hypnotherapy works, medically of course, I understood that it varies from person to person. For someone who is very strong headed or always on guard like me, it is difficult to be easily hypnotised and actually reach the subconscious level to find out anything concrete. I did gain one meaningful insight though, that I am a private person, and although I like to meet people and spend time with them, I need quite a bit of "me time" too. Which means I need to be all alone for some time everyday, or my nerves get wrecked. That, my dear, is quite true!

Coming to my steps per day, I haven't been doing well on that front either. I had set a target of 8000 steps and in the past three days I did not go anywhere beyond 6500 steps on an average. I skipped my medicines on two occasions and it caused a severe headache and some backlashing. I am binge eating junk and sugar like I never have in my entire life, not even as a kid! And it is showing in my weight and fitness levels :(

I tried to make up a little bit by catching up with my target steps today. I am also consciously trying to avoid eating junk. I think it is the thyroid and depression? Nothing has made me crave so much for sugar and salt ever! I am not making excuses, no!

So while I was walking today, I spotted an old man carrying a heavy bag. I have seen many old people going about with their chores and doing things that are difficult for them to do at their age. Sometimes I feel I should help, but immediately I step back thinking who knows who they are and what they might be upto? Or they might just get suspicious of me! Remember all the warning signs in TV, radio, airports and trains, be alert, do not trust anyone and so on. Phew. And the Crime Patrol as well as Savdhaan India wagon. Oh my god. Thanks to them, I have lost my peace of mind more than necessary umpteen times, worrying about my young kids.

Look, I am not against being aware. But come on, is it really helping? Watching all this stuff only makes you more and more suspicious and distrustful of everyone around you, friends or family or colleagues or staff, which is a really toxic state to be in. There are also thousands of positive things happening around us but they are not shown, of course because who would be interested. I started reading a book called Factfulness by Hans Rosling and I realised that we are really thinking in a very limited manner. It got me thinking. We always have in mind what the media is telling us, and it is only telling all the negatives that are happening. So what about all the positive things happening in the world? We don't know them all, so of course we are not aware, and we think the world is going towards hell (really, tell me how many times you have thought this? I did!). But IT IS NOT. Go read the book, you'll know what I am talking.

I also believe in destiny and instincts. So if your instinct says you should do something, then you should. No matter how cautious, how aware and prepared we are, destiny also has a role to play, so there is no point being stressed and worried about things out of which 99% are not going to happen. Here I would also like to mention a lovely speaker, B. K. Shivani from Brahmakumaris. Some of these views are very well explained by her. I have become a fan!

A lot of gyan for today! I will be back soon :) Right after that new coconut cookie...