Today has been an eventful day, in terms of what I plan to do tomorrow. I would like to keep this a secret for now. But it would be interesting to give a hint.
Sometimes we cannot change certain things consciously how much ever we try, so we need to change things at the subconscious level. There, a big one!
Yes, again, 8000 steps with no extra effort. It makes me feel so gleeful. I have also noticed that I can sleep way better when I have met my walking target! Another bonus to focus on walking, yup! Otherwise, I don't remember when I last slept well without taking any medication. I had almost turned into an insomniac. I wasn't always like this; I used to sleep like a log! I could sleep anytime, in just about any given space, as tiny as half of the side berth of a train (when i was smaller of course. I was kidding you, yes). I used to sleep a lot till I was in my twenties. Then what happened? Thirties took over, simple! (If you're so keen to know, read my book! Not trying to publicise it my dear, but it's really too much to talk about here!)
Anyway, what happens when you turn thirty? At first, you're trying to tell yourself nothing has changed, come on, it's like every other year. One year added to the age, that's all! And slowly reality dawns. You notice few greys here and there. Your skin is not as manageable as it used to be. Your hair is rough. Not in a nice way. You put on a few kilos. Not many, but you did, don't hide! Your flat stomach has a small roll of fat around it. Others still don't notice, but soon they will. Devilish me, you're thinking no? It's perfectly fine. It only means I am right.
You also start thinking of yourself as 'grown up'. Wait, you turned an adult at 18 isn't it? Oh come on, that is the government assumption of grown up. NOW comes the real you to the fore. You're out in the world, seen and faced struggles, crossed a few milestones, experienced a few failures as well as successes, with more knowledge about 'the way the world works.' Of course you will have many more of all of these, but you have most probably seen the toughest and best of them all. You are more prepared and hence feel you are qualified to give advice to those younger to you. Asked or unasked.
Beware, don't go to thirty somethings to even ask for a gift suggestion for your partner/spouse. They will tell you
1. How to choose the right partner
2. How to maintain the relationship
3. How to know if it is working
4. How to know if it is not working
5. How to get out of a bad relationship
6. Anything
7. Everything
You see? Oh what about the gift? You know their choice better na, just think what they like!
So yes, thirties is an awesome stage to be in. Really!
Sometimes we cannot change certain things consciously how much ever we try, so we need to change things at the subconscious level. There, a big one!
Yes, again, 8000 steps with no extra effort. It makes me feel so gleeful. I have also noticed that I can sleep way better when I have met my walking target! Another bonus to focus on walking, yup! Otherwise, I don't remember when I last slept well without taking any medication. I had almost turned into an insomniac. I wasn't always like this; I used to sleep like a log! I could sleep anytime, in just about any given space, as tiny as half of the side berth of a train (when i was smaller of course. I was kidding you, yes). I used to sleep a lot till I was in my twenties. Then what happened? Thirties took over, simple! (If you're so keen to know, read my book! Not trying to publicise it my dear, but it's really too much to talk about here!)
Anyway, what happens when you turn thirty? At first, you're trying to tell yourself nothing has changed, come on, it's like every other year. One year added to the age, that's all! And slowly reality dawns. You notice few greys here and there. Your skin is not as manageable as it used to be. Your hair is rough. Not in a nice way. You put on a few kilos. Not many, but you did, don't hide! Your flat stomach has a small roll of fat around it. Others still don't notice, but soon they will. Devilish me, you're thinking no? It's perfectly fine. It only means I am right.
You also start thinking of yourself as 'grown up'. Wait, you turned an adult at 18 isn't it? Oh come on, that is the government assumption of grown up. NOW comes the real you to the fore. You're out in the world, seen and faced struggles, crossed a few milestones, experienced a few failures as well as successes, with more knowledge about 'the way the world works.' Of course you will have many more of all of these, but you have most probably seen the toughest and best of them all. You are more prepared and hence feel you are qualified to give advice to those younger to you. Asked or unasked.
Beware, don't go to thirty somethings to even ask for a gift suggestion for your partner/spouse. They will tell you
1. How to choose the right partner
2. How to maintain the relationship
3. How to know if it is working
4. How to know if it is not working
5. How to get out of a bad relationship
6. Anything
7. Everything
You see? Oh what about the gift? You know their choice better na, just think what they like!
So yes, thirties is an awesome stage to be in. Really!